

Our EYFS philosophy is to make a difference so that children learn to embrace the wider world with confidence.
At Padstow School and Nursery, we design our EYFS curriculum to build upon the children’s prior learning, knowledge and experiences. We recognise that every child is a unique individual and we embrace this.
We aim to provide a variety of opportunities for our children to develop as independent, enthusiastic and resilient learners. We want our children to have a desire and curiosity to learn new things and challenge themselves every day. Our aim in the EYFS is to develop and nurture the whole child academically, socially and emotionally. We work hard to support and build strong foundations in all areas of learning so our children are able to fulfil their potential as well as to prepare them to continue their learning into KS1.
At Padstow School and Nursery, we promote a language-rich curriculum which is essential to support children across the curriculum. Consequently, the development of speech and language is a very important part of our early years’ curriculum. We work closely and collaboratively with parents and carers to encourage such development.
We provide an enabling learning environment, both indoors and outside, that inspires the children to investigate, question and challenge themselves. The children can explore the different areas throughout the day and access a wide range of continuous provision opportunities incorporating all areas of the EYFS curriculum. 


Continuous provision refers to the resources provided in the classroom and setting for children to interact with creatively, which they have access to every day. The idea of continuous provision is that it encourages the children to learn in the absence of an adult, but it can describe all aspects of the different provision areas that are set out for children to engage with. Our continuous provision encourages children to be active learners, make independent choices, and foster their innate curiosity to explore and play. Children the opportunity for autonomy, and are able to pick and choose what they would like to actively learn and what they would like to return to.


We want to provide our children with every opportunity to fulfil their potential and work on reaching the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage aiming to ensure that the children make, at least, good progress from their initial starting points.
Within the EYFS at Padstow School and Nursery, we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework, provided by the Department for Education (DFE). The framework sets out the requirements for learning and development within the EYFS, focusing on prime and specific areas.
These are broken down into seven areas of the EYFS Curriculum –
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Communication and Language
• Physical Development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the World
• Expressive Arts and Design
These areas are used in our planning for the children’s learning and their activities. We plan following children’s interests and taking a child centred approach through a range of interesting topics. We always encourage active learning and aim to develop the learning characteristics that will support lifelong learning.
At Padstow School and Nursery, we want all our children to –
• Learn actively – where children try their best and persevere even when they face challenges.
• Play and explore – children investigate and experience things and are willing to ‘have a go’.
• Create and think critically – children develop their own ideas both independently and in collaboration with others.
The children engage in independent learning opportunities, as well as adult guided group work. We use open questioning to encourage the children to question the world around them and, through their own exploration, to develop their independence, creativity and problem-solving skills. Throughout their day, the children have a mix of opportunities to work collaboratively, independently and with members of staff.
Tapestry Online Learning Journey
At Padstow School, we use an online learning journal to document your child's progress and achievements. We see Tapestry as a valuable resources for sharing photographs and observations, tracking your child's progress and keeping you up to date with your child's next steps.
See below for more information.

Communication and Language - Wellcomm


This is a programme developed by Speech and Language Therapists at Sandwell and West Birmingham University. The programme uses short, age-appropriate questions to assess areas of language so that we can support your child in their learning journey.


Within our classroom environment we will use the play-based activities alongside our curriculum as a whole class, to help develop communication and language skills.


We send home the activities linked to your child's next steps in their communication and language skills each time the children are assessed. Please have a look at them and play these games at home with your child. They will help to strengthen your child’s language which will support their learning.


If you are unsure of any of the activities, please come and see a member of the EYFS team and we will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.


Below we have also included activities you can do with your child to support their development.

Padstow School
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